April 9, 2012


"The power of the resurrection means that nothing but the tomb is meant to be empty." (Quote by Beth Moore)
 On Easter Sunday we hear the words, "He is risen" to which we reply "He is risen indeed". All too often I get too busy and don't take the time to stop and reflect on the power behind those words and all that Jesus has done for me. Easter should be more than a once a year Sunday occurrence, it should be bubbling in our hearts all year long. I'm so thankful that because the tomb is EMPTY my heart can be FULL. He Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed!

Here are just a few snapshots of our Easter. I hope your day was as special as ours!

                                                                 Zachy cheesing it. :)

      I can't believe this guy is almost four. He is beginning to look so grown up. Farewell toddler, hello big boy. We had a good laugh the other night when out of the blue he says, "I appreciate it, and goodnight". (Andy Griffith fans will get this.) Tyler has never watched  Andy Griffith, but Jonathan and I used to say this phrase quite often.
                                                                      Easter Baskets

Excuse the random photos of people standing around.  Years from now I can look back and remember who graced our home that day. :)

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